
Monday, November 23, 2020

Fun Run Interveiwing

Hello In room ll we did interviews about the school fun run. We had to choose a buddy and record each other about the fun run here are some video's.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Whole School 50 Meter Sprints

Hello. On Thursday we did sprints it was the whole of Hornby Primary School raced against the year and gender girls and boys. The teachers made it that it goes from youngest to oldest races first I'm a year 5 so I  had to wait a while it was so hot I felt like I was in a oven getting cooked. As me and my friend were waiting we were playing game. When it was time for the year 5 girls to race we got ready. We raced I was going so fast I got chest pain but I won the 1st round but I came 2nd in the 2nd round.Then I got a blue teddy bear for coming second in the last round and had to go to the start of the lane then I got a piece of paper that my mum needed to sign and now I get to go to zones.

Thank you for reading my blog post and leave a comment please.

Friday, November 6, 2020


Hello readers today I am going to share with you my monster work. Have a look.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Nobody Laughed

Hello today in class I read a story Nobody Laughed by Bernard Beckett and the illustrations by Kat Chadwick  its about a boy named Aiden and he goes to a school called North-side primary school and one day at school he noticed that everyone at school had the exact same bag because they all bought it from the same shop. One day when they went for a run for PE and they came back they caretaker had taken the bags all down and put them in a pile so nobody knew what bag was theirs. The caretaker just need to replace some hooks because some of them were old and broken. When they all got back they could not find out what bag was there so the teacher Mr Chalmers said i guess we have to open up the bags to find out who's is who's and Aiden was scared that he will get embarrassed because of whats in his bag his lucky stuff. 

My favourite thing about this book was when the bags got mixed up and Aiden thought he was gonna be embarrassed but he wasn't.