
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Insect Art SLJ-Summer Learning Journey

Kamusta today I have done an insect art activity for the SLJ again they are really fun to do and when i'm bored I like to do these activities today I have done 2 insects a butterfly and a dragon fly. You might be wondering why I have done these two insects I have done these insects because I know that they are nice and easy to make out of leaves twigs and flower petals and here is a picture of my two insects I have done enjoy and another thing my butterfly is green and yellow because I tried to make it my own and pretend it was a different kind off butterfly and for the dragon fly it looks burnt I didn't know what to use we don't have much trees and other things but I did it still. Leave a comment bye!


                                                                  dragon fly


Tastes Of Summer Collage SLJ-Summer Learing Journey

Hello readers welcome back to my blog today I have done a collage of Tastes of summer for another SLJ activity . This activity was very easy here I have put a picture for you to have a look at of my collage of the taste of summer hope you enjoy.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Quality Comment/SLJ-Summer Learning Journey

Hello. Today I have done another SLJ activity. I will tell you why is my comment a quality one but i will actually tell you how to write a quality comment. So first you write a greeting like hello or kia ora. Second thing a thoughtful comment like say something nice about there blog. Third of all a question and also helpful part to.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Optical Illusion SLJ/Summer Learning Journey

Hello readers welcome back to my blog today I have done another SLJ project and I have done and optical illusion picture on a Google drawing. The way I made this optical illusion was I looked at a picture and tried to copy it but with using one of the pollylines from the line tool. I did not know what an optical illusion was but when I read and watched a video about I understood and I saw that some of them were different like kind off  3D or curved going around or sometimes going inwards . but here is my picture of my optical illusion I have done myself.