Hello readers,
Welcome back to my blog, in this cluster of schools we have been doing a student summit. We did some activities. Some students from other schools came to our school and presented their activites that they would be sharing with us and the other schools. We did 4 sessions of the activities and all of the other schools shared with each other and taught them how do do something.
Session 1
My first activity I was shown was book creator, Saint Bernadette's showed us how to use book creator and what you can do on it. They spoke clearly to us and they explained how to use it very well. We all got to have a play on book creator. Here is a link if you would like to have a check out of it. Book Creator
Session 2
My second activity I had a go at was scratch, two high school students presented what they would be teaching us. Scratch is a little bit like scratch jr but except the characters are in a different style but I think the rest is the same. Also here is a link to it if you want to cheek it out. Scratch
After we had that session we had morning tea.
Session 3
In session 3 I did animaker, 2 or 3 people from Yaldhurst Model School shared with us how to create, play and add. On the game animaker you can make video's with cartoon people and use shapes their is alot of other things you can do on animaker. here is a link to animaker
Session 4
For this last one I acaully got to do scratch jr, 2 people from my class were presenting it. I really liked playing scratch jr. I had to share my chrome book with my friend Santannah because her one went flat. we both took turns and had so much fun together. Here is a link to scratch jr you can download it on the playstore or app store if you don't already have it installed.
Thank you for reading my blog post. Leave a comment bye.