
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Narrative Writing Organiser

Bonjour readers,

Today I have done a narrative organiser. So first we had to make a copy of this organiser sheet then choose a fairy tail and split them up into categories there were five categories for parts of the story the first category was the problem, the beginning, the middle, the solution and the end. We also had a setting and a main character spot here is my narrative writing.

Thank you for reading my blog post 
please do leave a comment bye.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Emily you have so many posts I didn't know which one to check first...

    I'd run too if a bear was screaming and yelling-especially an angry one that had just found out Goldilocks had broke into their house and ate their food.
    She's lucky that they didn't call the police.
