
Sunday, August 29, 2021

How Much is a Word Maths Activity

Ia orana,
good afternoon I hope you are all enjoying your day for today's activity it is a how much is a word. Im not sure how to explain it but I can show you the activity. Here it is.

Thank you for viewing this post have a great day bye.


  1. Hi Emily. Gosh you’ve been busy! Fantastic work on this sheet. I love your most expensive word! I have no idea what this means. Do you know? If you do, can you tell me please? Keep up the awesome work.

    1. Aloha Keri,
      How to explain it? well you have to use the code thingy up at the top. Each letter has a certain amount of money which is just their number in the alphabet. i'm not sure what else to tell but that's all for now.

    2. Thanks for your explanation Emily. I was just wondering if you knew what pneumonoultramicroscpicsilicovolcanoconiosis meant?

    3. Hi Keri,
      Well I heard from my brother that it means a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust, causing inflammation in the lungs. I hope that answers your question it seems very bad though I was going to try a different word but that the one my brother suggested anyways bye.

    4. Thank you! I thought it was something to do with the lungs and something very small. That all makes sense. Thanks to your brother too 🙂

  2. Good morning Emily.
    Well done on your learning.You are going to have to tell me what your most expensive word means...trying to say it is a mouthful.It kind of reminds me about the word supercalifragilisticexpelodosicious...maybe I could see how much that word is worth:0

  3. WOW! I've never even heard of that word! It was definitely a mouthful. What does it mean?

  4. good job emily keep up with the good work
