
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Profile Homer Simpson

Xin chao welcome back,

Today I have gladly completed another literacy activity. For today's one I have done a profile so what is the character like what are his actions and more. For this activity I have chosen Homer Simpson because he is like the disaster of the story sometimes but otherwise he's one of my favourite characters. Here is the completed activity. You might have to zoom in to see it.

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have a great afternoon bye.


  1. Good morning Emily.
    From what I've seen of Homer and heard quickly,on tv,you have done a great job at telling me what he looks like.You've got his character exactly right.
    I'm not a big fan of watching The Simpson's.Sam,my daughter enjoys watching it though.
    Thanks for posting another great post.Well done.

  2. Tālofa lava Emily,
    Another great blog post. You have done well on this one. I like the descriptive words you used! Thanks again!
