
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Money Maths Slide Show

Greetings fellow readers,

Today I have amazingly completed this 18 long slide show filled with money maths activities. For this one I had to work through the slide show it wasn't easy for all of the money maths pages so I used a piece of paper to work it out. Here is my completed slide show.

I hope you enjoyed this post I hope you all have a great afternoon / evening and if you have time could you please lave a comment down below goodbye.


  1. WOW Emily.I can understand you needing paper.I had to get myself a piece too.I could of cheated and just used a calculator but that didn't seem fair.
    There are a couple of slides that weren't right-
    Slide 3-answer 80 cents
    Slide 8 you get 80 cents change and for slide 11 you'd get 20 change as I know a shop will not sell a quarter of an apple.

    You did a FANTASTIC job-how long did this take you?.

    Keep up the wonderful effort
