
Friday, August 20, 2021

Where, Wear, Were, We're Literacy

Priviet welcome back to my blog,

today I have completed a literacy activity. For this literacy activity as you all probably know a lot of people get mixed up with the words where, wear, were and we're so on google I found something that might help but the activity I was about to show you is here and the thing that will help is below. 

Where, wear, were, we're help.

focusfortnight - Twitter Search

Feel free to leave some feedback or a general comment below goodbye.


  1. Awesome Emily
    Love this activity. These words are so often mixed up. I like that you have posted a definition for each word and then an activity showing how they are used.
    Great blogging

  2. Talofa lava Emily,
    What a lot of great work you have done.Do you think this activity will help you remember? English has many groups of words like this to confuse us.

  3. Hola Emily,
    Thanks for sharing your learning with us. I like the explanation underneath! Well done again!
